BM10T Mast - change to luffing system

Jul 19, 2020

I recently installed a second-hand Radio Structures BM10T lattice mast for my 2m EME array. The BM10T is similar to a Versatower but has a simpler luffing arrangement with the wire attached to the bottom of the lattice section and running through two pulleys either side of the base post and up to the winch. The pulleys simply act as guides for the wire and provide no mechanical advantage. This makes luffing hard work with the antennas installed.

To make luffing easier I would need to add 1 or 2 pulleys in a tight space without compromising the structural integrity of the mast. John, G3XDY and Chris, G8APB came up with a couple of suggestions and I also came across a paper that G4HUP (SK) presented at EME2012 that gave me some ideas.

BM10T mast original luffing system

BM10T mast original luffing system

I prepared a few sketches and came up with an arrangement using one additional pulley and the existing fixing points on the lattice section and base post.

Additional pulley

Additional pulley

The fixing point has been moved to the base post and a new 71mm diameter pulley added to the bottom lattice section using a bracket and clamp arrangement that avoids having to drill through the galvanised sections. I used 10mm thick mild steel and M12 bolts for the brackets. The packing pieces are scrap 6mm aluminium and two bolts M10 bolts threaded through the bracket help centre it on the round lattice section.
