Background Recently I’ve started experimenting on 10GHz and as I have no test equipment above 6GHz I decided to build a noise meter that would cover 10GHz as well as possible IF’s of 432MHz and 910MHz.
There are several noise meter designs using the AD8307 (DC - 500MHz) and AD8313 (0.1GHz - 2.5GHz) rf log detector devices and I’ve been using two AD8313 devices in an Arduino based RF power meter since 2021.
Background In May 2017 I built a simple RF Power Meter using a AD8313 rf power detector module from SV1AFN, an Arduino Nano and a LCD module. The meter was battery powered and it was calibrated for use at 144MHz using the output of my HF to 2m transverter via some variable attenuators. The meter worked well, either with an external attenuator or a directional coupler.
In November 2020 I started experimenting with a ADL5519 dual channel module, also from SV1AFN, so that I could measure forward and reflected power simulataneously.